Saturday, February 7, 2009

There ain't nothing cuter than a fat country baby eating peaches on a hardwood floor

Today was a variation on our typical pattern of lazy Saturdays. I slept until approximately 11AM, then Jess and I proceeded to watch our usual lineup of home improvements shows on TLC.  I am not sure what the appeal of these shows is, considering that we do not own a home and cannot make any improvements or changes to our current apartment.  I do like thinking about being able to someday own a home and pick out hardwood flooring, though.  This evening we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall on DVD.  Although we had seen it in the theatre, it really held up in a repeat viewing (particularly the Dracula musical part).  

Right now Jon and Kate Plus 8 is on.  This show is very conflicting for me.  On one hand, it is pretty clear to me that this family has done a good job of exploiting their situation for financial gain.  On the other hand, having a TV show so your kids can benefit is not necessarily a bad thing.  This is for certain:  Kate Gosselin is batshit crazy.  It is a miracle on par with the 1980 US Olympic hockey gold medal that Jon hasn't packed up and joined a traveling band of hobos instead of dealing with her.  Yikes.


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  3. He won't leave her no matter how mean and disrespectful she is towards him. Could you imagine his child support payment?!

  4. He would have to get a 2nd (or 8th) job!


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